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About About Us

A Journey of Excellence

Since 2003, Beacon Homes has been committed to building homes with the utmost quality, excellence and integrity for families in our community. We provide exceptional customer care and leading industry innovation to give our customers an experience that exceeds their expectations and the home of their dreams. We work with the state’s leading structural engineers, mechanical engineers, civil engineers, energy efficient consultants and green raters to create homes for our families that have the utmost structural integrity and quality.


When we say Beacon Homes is “family-focused”, we’re talking about a purpose and vision that is larger than new home construction.
We’re building homes that contribute to your lifestyle—the way it works for each of you as an individual and all together as one.
To achieve that mission, we see you as a person, not a buyer. You’re a member of a family—whether that’s a family of one or many—with your own values and needs.
From the location of the property to the features in every room, we design and build homes that give you more than a house. And we do it by holding firm to the core values that drive positive choices, actions, and relationships.

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